Wongsai, N., Siddoo, V. and Wetprasit, R., 2015. Factors of Influence in Software Process Improvement: An ISO/IEC 29110 for Very-Small Entities. 2015 7th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), pp.(12-17),Chiang Mai Thailand.

Link:   Month/Year: 10/2015  

Tag: ISO 29110 ,   software process improvement ,   Software Engineering ,   critical factor ,   IT industry ,   VSE ,   very small entities   


Siddoo, V., Sawattawee, J., & Janchai, W. (2019). Factors Affecting the Success of IT Workforce Development: A Perspective from Thailand’s IT Supervisors and Internship Students. In Industry Integrated Engineering and Computing Education (pp. 135-159). Springer, Cham.

Link:    Month/Year: 6/2019

Tag: critical factor ,   employee development ,   information technology career ,   ICT industry ,   IT worker   


Siddoo, V., and Wongsai, N., 2017. Factors Influencing the Adoption of ISO/IEC 29110 in Thai
Government Projects: A Case Study. International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems
Approach (IJITSA), 10(1), 22-44.

Link:    Month/Year: 1/2017

Tag: ISO 29110 ,   critical factor ,   government perspective ,   software quality ,   software quaity framework ,   Software Engineering   


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