( Students with first enrollment up to 2018 (ID up to 61) )

Bachelor of Science (Software Engineering)

B.Sc. (Software Engineering)

Philosophy : To produce software engineers capable of applying software engineering principles, which concerns software development process and software project management, in the development of software effectively


1) To prepare graduates with knowledge and skills in software engineering that can be applied to the software development process effectively

2) To shape graduates with proper moral values, ethics, and responsibility toward the society, as well as ability to adapt to any environment

3) To prepare graduates with enough fundamental knowledge for higher-level education and research

Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering : SE
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (SE) is a study of the principles and systematic methods for the development and maintenance of real world software applications in order to obtain higher quality, lower cost and meet use requirements. Students wilI develop skills needed in software development, for example, software requirements, analysis and design, software testing and software project management. Our students get first-hand experience with top software development companies by participating in the Co-operative Education, and Internship Program.

Career paths..?
Software engineer | Programmer | Web developer | Mobile application developer | System analyst | Software tester | Software entrepreneur