The International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC) is the premier forum for the presentation of researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, research, experience, trends and concerns in the field of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, and Information Technology. ICSEC 2019, will be held over three days, with special sessions and presentations delivered by researchers from the international communities, including presentations from well-known keynote speakers. Accepted Full Papers (4 to 6 pages) will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore database. In addition, the authors of the selected papers will be suggested to submit the paper to many journals which are indexed by SCOPUS and ISI.
Important Dates
Submission of Special Session Proposal: March 31, 2019
Deadline for Paper submission: July 23, 2019
Paper notification: August 16, 2019
Paper camera ready: September 16, 2019
Conference day: 30 October – November 1, 2019
Click > >https://www.icsec2019.org/